Wuhan Iron & Steel (Group) Co. Wins a Lawsuit in a Russian Dumping Case

With the settlement of the case in which the Wuhan Iron & Steel (Group) Co. sued Russia for dumping cold-rolled silicon steel in China, the said company has finally won the lawsuit.

According to the announcement of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (MOFTEC), MOFTEC and the General Administration of Customs jointly carried out an investigation into the dumping and the range of dumping. The State Economic and Trade Commission and relevant State Council departments probed into the damage and the degree of damage. After analyzing the result of the investigation, State Economic and Trade Commission finally ruled: it is a fact that the Russia-made cold-rolled silicon steel plates exported to China at dumping prices, causing substantive damage to China's cold-rolled silicon steel sheet industry. Acting in accordance with China's "Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Regulation", the State Economic and Trade Commission decided to levy anti-dumping tax on the imported cold-rolled silicon steel plates originally made in Russia for five years beginning from December 30, 1999. Importers and dealers of the above-mentioned products must pay 6-62 percent anti-dumping tax to China's customs department when importing the Russia-made products mentioned above. The ruling is a final adjudication.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/