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Wednesday, September 20, 2000, updated at 11:13(GMT+8)

China to Hold Agro-Products Processing Fair

A fair on the exchange of agro-products processing technology and investment projects will be held in Shenzhen, in south China's Guangdong Province, from October 13 to 16, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Over 60 Chinese companies in the agro-products processing industry have signed up to attend the Fair and still more are expected, the ministry source said.

China hopes to introduce more advanced agro-products processing technologies at the Fair, including technologies used to produce green foods and dairy products of high quality.

The fair will be held simultaneously over the second China International Hi-Tech Fair, which witnessed the participation of a large number of hi-tech companies at home and abroad last year.

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A fair on the exchange of agro-products processing technology and investment projects will be held in Shenzhen, in south China's Guangdong Province, from October 13 to 16, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

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