Former US President Stresses One China Policy

Former US President Jimmy Carter said there is only one China in the world and he hoped that the Taiwan issue would be resolved peacefully.

Carter made the remarks while meeting with Zeng Jianhui, member of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC) and chairman of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee at his native town of Plains, Georgia, on Sunday.

The former president called on the US and China to strengthen their cooperation and enhance their exchanges in the new century.

Recalling his talks with the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping about normalization of diplomatic relations between the US and China, Carter said that both sides maintained that there was only one China in the world and Taiwan was part of China.

All the US administrations have since then abided by the One China principle, he added.

Jimmy Carter was US President from 1977 to 1981. After leaving the White House, Carter returned to Georgia, where he founded the nonprofit Carter Center in 1982 in Atlanta.

Zeng Jianhui, who led a seven-member NPC delegation on a two-week visit to the United States, expressed his gratitude for Carter's contribution in promoting the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Chinese NPC delegation arrived in the United States on September 9 at the invitation of the US Institute of Representative Government.

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