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Tuesday, September 19, 2000, updated at 17:35(GMT+8)

Yunnan Broken Through in the Taming Techniques of Wild Flowers

Kunming Vegetable Research Institute of CAS revealed recently that after many-year studying, inviting and rearing seeds, it has broken through in the key technique of taming wild flowers and more than 40 breeds of wild flowers have been tamed successfully.

It indicates that part of Yunnan wild flowers resources has enabled to be industrialized and most of the seeds of commercial flowers on Chinese market will not rely on import any longer.

As a Vegetable Kingdomˇ±, Yuanna has long embraced a rich resource of wild flowers. According to some investigations, there are about 3,000 categories of wild flowers there.

However, this resource has not been made the best of in China. Some materials show that people from western countries have grown thousands of gardening plants from the original breeds in northwest Yunnan for over 100 years and part of them are sold to China again after being tamed. Even till now, most of flower breeds on Chinese market still demand import and great deal of foreign currencies is flowing into the pockets of Holland and Israel for their original breeds.

Supported by local government, Kunming Vegetable Research Institute of CAS has carried on the studying of the key technique in the industrialization of wild flowers by forming a special team with some other institutes and relevant colleges and universities since 1996.

Firstly, they collected a lot of firsthand basic materials by great deal of survey on wild flowers in Yunnan and inviting their breeds for so many years.

Then, they managed to introduce some good-looking flowers into the base and realize their man-made reproducing. Moreover, flowers from abroad have got almost completely accustomed to Chinese environment through their delicate growing.

Cooperated with Gesang Flowers Company, the Zhongdian base of Kunming Vegetable Research Institute has adopted 250 breeds of flowers. Among them, more than 40 have gained mature taming techniques. Most of the industrialization research of Yunnan clove (a sort of native flower) has drawn to an end while two patents have been approved to the successful aseptic rearing of yellow and violet-spotted moccasin flower. The control techniques of removing some flowers originally growing on the Zhongdian plateau 3000 meters above sea level to Kunming have also been achieved. All these breakthroughs are unprecedented in China.

In the past few years, the flower industry has stood out in Yunnan with 50% of the total flower output nationwide. At the beginning of the year, Yunnan put forward a definite strategy of developing the province through ˇ°greenˇ± economy. Aiming to this, it is going to establish the largest flower-growing base in Asia. Insiders reckoned that the breakthrough of wild flowers will certainly benefit the development of flower industry not only in Yunnan but also in the whole country.

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Kunming Vegetable Research Institute of CAS revealed recently that after many-year studying, inviting and rearing seeds, it has broken through in the key technique of taming wild flowers and more than 40 breeds of wild flowers have been tamed successfully.

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