CPPCC Vice Chairman Meets Japanese Guests

Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), met Tuesday with a delegation from Japanese Liberal Democratic Party. The delegation are in Beijing to attend a symposium on Sino-Japanese relations.

Wang, also head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that the symposium ended in success. He voiced his hope that the Japanese young politicians can contribute more for the healthy and stable development of Sino-Japanese partnership for friendly cooperation.

The Japanese guests expressed their willingness of furthering the friendship between Japan and China.

Ma Wenpu, deputy head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, attended the meeting. The delegation arrived here Sunday at the invitation of the International Department of CPC Central Committee.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/