Educational Levels of Teachers Elevating Greatly

To fully carry out Laws and regulations on the qualities of teachers, China has further run the training course aiming to teachers of primary and middle schools.

The courses focus on the qualified textbooks and scientific teaching method, the complementary of educational levels and continuing education, through which educational levels of primary and middle school teachers have been raised greatly.

Till the end of 1999, among all primary school teachers in China, there are 95.9% who have gained a degree of middle normal school or above, compared with 47% in 1977; among junior middle school teachers, there are 85.5 % who have gained college degrees or above, compared with 9.8% in 1977; among high school teachers, there are 65.9% with B.A. degree or above and that of 1977 was 45.9%. The gradual elevating of teachers' educational levels has contributed a lot for the development of fundamental education in China.

However, teachers' educational levels of China have not matched the international criteria yet. In developed countries, those who teach in primary or middle schools commonly hold B.A. degree or above.

To continuingly raising teachers’ educational level, Ministry of Education calls on that till 2010, those who teach in primary or middle school are expected to have a college degree or B.A. degree and those who have M.A. degree are expected to occupy certain percentage schoolmasters and teachers of high school and technical secondary school.

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