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Sunday, September 10, 2000, updated at 00:39(GMT+8)

Beijing's Largest Student Boarding House Starts Construction

Beijing's largest apartment block for university students started construction today in the northwestern part of the city.

The Wanliu apartment block, built for the Beijing University, covers an area of 3.52 hectares and will be completed by 2002 with a total investment of 540 million yuan (65 million US dollars).

After completion, the apartment buildings will provide accommodation for about 8,000 students.

A telephone, TV set and computer connected with the Internet will be installed in every room. Other facilities such as canteen, a supermarket, a library, a coffee house, a post office and bank can also be found in the block.

Chinese university students usually complain about their poor boarding conditions. It's common in universities that eight students share a room. Reforms are presently underway to improve these conditions.

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Beijing's largest apartment block for university students started construction today in the northwestern part of the city.

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