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Sunday, September 10, 2000, updated at 00:39(GMT+8)

Vice-Premier Vows to Do More for Teachers

Vice-Premier Li Lanqing said recently that governing bodies should do more for teachers and further improve their livelihood.

Before China's 16th Teachers Day which falls on September 10, Li, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, met with a delegation of outstanding teachers nationwide.

Li said China has a large group of excellent teachers who have worked untiringly for their profession.

Li said teachers must set good examples for their pupils, particularly in ethics, political awareness, and academic achievement.

Teachers must instill a love of learning in their students and encourage them to be valuable members of society and realize China's socialist construction, Li said.

The revitalization of the Chinese nation greatly relies on education, in which teachers play the most important role. Li hopes the teachers will make even greater contribution to the country.

Some representatives of the teachers delegation delivered speeches Saturday on their achievements to more than 4,000 teachers working at colleges, high schools and primary schools in Beijing.

The delegation is also scheduled to tour Fujian, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shaanxi and Heilongjiang provinces.

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Vice-Premier Li Lanqing said recently that governing bodies should do more for teachers and further improve their livelihood.

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