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Sunday, September 10, 2000, updated at 00:39(GMT+8)

Foreign Investors Encouraged to Establish R&D Centers in China

Chinese government is working out policies which are conducive to attracting multinationals to set up research and development centers in the country.

Addressing a symposium on the establishment of foreign research and development centers, Mao Xiuhong, assistant minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation, said it is an important task to encourage multinationals to set up research and development centers in China.

Ma said, China has put forward a series of preferential policies in this regard. The policies include the imported equipment of research and development centers will be exempted from tariff and linkage tax, and from sales tax for technology transfer.

Foreign investors have set up a group of research and development centers in China, including 14 in Shanghai, which are mainly engaged in chemistry, automobiles, and medicine. Beijing has 20 in the computer, software and telecommunications sectors.

The research and development centers have played an active role in expanding China's foreign economic cooperation, promoting the development of high-tech industries, and in encouraging multinationals to invest in China, the official said.

It is learned that concerned departments in China will take a series of practical measures, grant preferential treatment and set up a special fund to encourage foreign business people to set up research and development centers in China.

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Chinese government is working out policies which are conducive to attracting multinationals to set up research and development centers in the country.

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