Heads of Defense Colleges Vow to Increase Cooperation

Representatives from defense colleges and institutes of 21 countries vowed to increase their exchange and cooperation.

Attending the Fourth ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Regional Forum (ARF) Meeting of the Heads of Defense Colleges, they pledged to take concrete steps to develop and promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Mao Fengming, vice-president of China's National Defense University, said that his school has been active in conducting exchange with foreign counterparts.

He proposed that participants of the meeting increase mutual visits of scholars and students, exchange publications, and co-sponsor more academic seminars.

Shinkai Masakatsu, president of Japan's National Institute for Defense Studies, suggested that members of the meeting should make full use of Internet technology for further exchanges and cooperation.

Clarita R. Carlos, president of the National Defense College of the Philippines, proposed that countries of the participants improve recognition of academic credentials issued by military schools of other countries.

Many participants said that they agree with Masakatsu and Carlos' views. They noted that the scope of cooperation should be broadened and diversified to achieve more practical results.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/