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Thursday, September 07, 2000, updated at 08:46(GMT+8)

China to Support Development of 11 High-Tech Areas

China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MST) has designated 11 high-tech areas for major support, in a bid to push ahead the development of high-tech industries.

Top at the list is electronics and information technology.

MST officials said the ministry chose those high-tech fields in accordance with the world science and technology development trend, and the requirements of China's development strategy of science and technology as well as economic and social development.

The other 10 fields that enjoy government support include: bio-engineering technology and new pharmaceutical industry, new materials, advanced manufacturing technology, aerospace technology, modern agricultural technology and new energy and highly efficient energy-saving technology.

They also include: environmental protection technology, marine engineering, application of nuclear technology and new technology for upgrading traditional ventures.

The Ministry of Science and Technology also stipulated that high-tech ventures should be engaged in developing and manufacturing products from at least one of the above mentioned high-tech industries and at least 10 percent of its employees are required to make research and development work for the venture.

The high-tech industries enjoy preferential policies from the government.

So far, China has registered a total of 53 high-tech development zones. Apart from a agricultural high-tech zone, the remaining 52 high-tech development zones registered an export volume of US$3.2 billion in the first half of this year, up 50 percent over the same period last year.

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China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MST) has designated 11 high-tech areas for major support, in a bid to push ahead the development of high-tech industries. Top at the list is electronics and information technology.

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