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Wednesday, September 06, 2000, updated at 22:53(GMT+8)

Samaranch Welcomes China's Decision to Drop Some Athletes

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Juan Antonio Samaranch Wednesday welcomed China's decision to drop some athletes from its Sydney Games team.

China overnight dropped 40 athletes and officials from its 300-strong Olympic team.

"I am not disappointed. I am very pleased, very happy ... that's very good news," Samaranch said.

He said it meant new dope testing for the banned endurance drug EPO would work very well.

"The object is to have clean Games," Samaranch told reporters in Sydney.

Sydney Games officials confirmed Wednesday that China had advised them it was cutting the size of its team.

IOC Vice President Anita DeFrantz applauded the decision by China.

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International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Juan Antonio Samaranch Wednesday welcomed China's decision to drop some athletes from its Sydney Games team.

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