World Horti-Expo Garden Gains Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits

The well-known World Horti-Expo Garden in Kunming, capital city of southwest China's Yunnan Province, has achieved social, economic and environmental benefits this year. From January to July, it attracted 11.4 million visitors, registered a business income of nearly 100 million yuan from tour, catering and service trades. In addition, its environment was well protected, an evidence of this is that the index of its air quality was listed as the best in area of Kunming.

Statistics show that in the first seven months, the actual income from tickets amounted to 57 million yuan. During the seven-day-long May Day holiday, the World Horti-Expo Garden received 151,000 persons, of whom 40 percent were from other provinces, setting a record high after the China '99 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition. So far, visiting the World Horti-Expo Garden of Kunming has become the first choice of tourists both from home and abroad.

In order to accelerate the pace of running the Garden in line with the international practice, the Group Company of the World Horti-Expo Garden is conducting talks with some famous scenic spots and theme parks of Denmark, Japan, the United States, and other countries and will soon invite designing companies of theme parks from abroad to make plans for the follow-up development of the Garden. Furthermore, it will also introduce a group of high-tech amusement projects which reflect the relationships between man and nature, and between man and future.

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