HK Official Highlights HK's Springboard Role

Hong Kong official Cheung Man-yee urged Japanese companies to pay attention to Hong Kong's springboard role in helping international companies to establish a foothold in China, according to a report by the Hong Kong Government Information Services Thursday.

"Already the Chinese mainland's trade with Hong Kong represents about 40 percent of our total external trade. We handle some 40 percent of China's re-exports," said Cheung, Hong Kong's principal economic and trade representative in Tokyo, during her four-day visit to Japan's Kyushu region, which ended Thursday.

"Hong Kong companies employ some 5 million people in wholly or partly owned ventures in neighboring Guangdong Province and there are more than 1,800 mainland companies operating in Hong Kong," she said.

She told the Japanese business circle that with China's entry to the World Trade Organization, there are forecasts that within six years China's foreign trade and foreign investment would double and its GDP is estimated to be 13 percent higher by 2010.

"These figures point to enormous opportunities for Hong Kong and the entire trading world," she said.

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