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Thursday, August 31, 2000, updated at 08:25(GMT+8)

Paris Metro Car Derails, At Least 30 Injured

A subway car derailed and partially flipped over in northern Paris on Wednesday afternoon, injuring at least 24 passengers, firefighters said. The victims, all of whom were hospitalized, suffered cuts, scrapes and bruises when the Metro car derailed at 1:22 p.m. local time, said a spokesman for the firefighters. In addition to the injured, 42 people were badly shaken up. The accident took place at the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette station in northern Paris where the first car of the Metro train partially flipped over and slid toward another car that was stopped at the platform. The dislodged car came to a stop before colliding with the second.

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A subway car derailed and partially flipped over in northern Paris on Wednesday afternoon, injuring at least 24 passengers, firefighters said.

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