New Sowing Technique for Rice Planting

A new sowing technique invented by local farmers might challenge the traditional rice-planting method in China.

With the technique, it only takes two minutes to sow a mu (0.0667 hectares) of paddy field, while traditional sowing with hand usually takes nearly three quarters.

Compared with machine sowing, the new technology only requires one twentieth of investment, and it costs 150 yuan less in sowing a mu of a paddy field.

Moreover, all such complicated procedures as sprouting cultivation and transplanting of seedlings can be replaced with the new technology.

Luo Yaogen, the inventor in Linhai City, said that rice seedlings, already sprouting after being immersed in water for a whole night, will be put in a modified motor sprayer and directly sprayed onto the paddy field, just "like spraying chemicals."

This efficient technique with relatively low cost should be popularized in a major rice producer like China, experts said.

Some other experts regarded the technique "another revolution following machine sowing in the history of rice-planting."

People's Daily Online ---