ROK to Reconstruct Kyoungui Railway Line

The Republic of Korea(ROK) government has outlined the details for the Kyoungui Line reconnection and highway expansion. The Kyoungui Line will provide linkage to Asian and European continents once it is fully restored. Thus, the government is putting enourmous effort forth to organize the project. It plans to hold a groundbreaking ceremony on September 14 planning to have both construction projects completed by September 2001.

South Korea will reconnect the severed 12 kilometer railway from Munsan to Changdan and at the same time will build the 6-kilometer highway from the Grand Unification Bridge, near the truth village, Panmunjom to Changdan.

The highway will expand the Demilitarized Zone from 73,000 pyong to 250,000 pyong (825,000 sq.meters). However, about 100,000 land mines must first be dismantled. The progress of construction depends on the mine removal by the army in respective areas. Accordingly, the army plans to employ approximately two thousands soldiers to work on the mine removal at an additional cost of 3.8 billion won ($3.3 million) for equipment imports.

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