IT Sector Grows Faster, Steadily in Shanghai

The informational industry in Shanghai is growing at an accelerated pace and has become a pillar industry among all newly established fields.

After three years of development, Shanghai has seen the completion of the world's largest ATM network and the world's largest telephone network with close to three million users. By the end of last year, the number of users for fixed telephone and mobile phones have topped 3.67 million and 2.04 million respectively, ranking the first nationwide per capita. The local exchange capacity between major webs could reach 100 tera by the end of year. Meanwhile, the IP wide-band web is also under construction.

The information industry plays an important role not only with in the industrial structure in Shanghai but also in China. The electronic products manufacturing industry is the most fast-growing sector with the output and added value increased by 39% and 29% in the past three years. The sales of the software industry increased by 50% per year, reaching RMB3.6 billion in last year. The turnover of the information service sector totaled RMb1.22 billion last year.

The information industry in Shanghai is expected to catch up with that in developed countries by the end of 2005.

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