Farmer-Turned Entrepreneur Offers Free Training Course to Tibetans

A Chinese farmer-turned entrepreneur has just offered a free training course for 28 officials from the Tibet Autonomous Region on the management of township enterprises, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission said Monday.

The project is one of the many clinched when an entrepreneur delegation, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, visited the autonomous region last year.

Zhang Helin, a famous farmer-turned entrepreneur in east China's Anhui Province, has invited a group of renowned professors and entrepreneurs, as well as some government officials, to provide lectures to the 28 officials, who come from eight prefectures and cities in Tibet.

The month-long training course involves the socialist market economy, the art of leadership, scientific advancement and sustainable development, as well as taxation, government policies, and laws and regulations.

Zhang, a deputy to the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, set up a township entrepreneur school in 1985 to help local township entrepreneurs.

The school has become a talent training center, providing kindergarten, primary and secondary school, technical school, adult school and college education. The school has 250 million yuan in fixed assets.

People's Daily Online ---