Tianjin Hosts World's Largest Children's Art Exhibition

Some 280 children's art works were put on show Sunday in Tianjin at the 2000 International Children's Art Exhibition.

Children from over 110 countries and regions sent a total of 1,600 entries to the exhibition, the largest of its kind ever held in the world.

The children's works featured peace, friendship and their imagined future world.

Dasa, a 10-year-old Russian girl, sent a painting featuring earth children sharing the same spacecraft with extraterrestrial beings in space to the exhibition.

Deng Qian, from China, pictured a traditional festive scene with a lion-dance, fireworks and people playing gongs and drums.

A painting from Pakistan, titled "Love of Nature", was made of textile materials, which gave a stereoscopic vision of the picture.

The 280 art works on show have been compiled into a picture album, which have been given to distinguished participants in the exhibition.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/