Tanggu High-tech Zone Sees more Foreign Investment

Sino-American funded Bohai Aviatic Complex Material Company has recently settled down in Tianjin's oceanic new and hi-tech development zone.

The company is jointly financed by Boeing, China Aviatic Industry Corporation and another American company, involving a total investment of 100 million U.S. dollars and covering an area of 110,000 square meters, a local official source said.

Located in coastal Tanggu District in Tianjin, the zone is the first national development zone featuring marine development-related new and high technologies.

So far the zone has witnessed the establishment of about 1,000 foreign-funded enterprises, and 233 of which are new and hi-tech firms related to marine development. They attracted an investment of 3.24 billion US dollars, the source said, adding that many other new and high-tech entities have also settled down here.

The zone has over the past years registered a total GDP of 9.063 billion yuan, with an accumulated revenues of 674 million yuan and annual growth rates of 45 percent and 74 percent respectively.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/