Academicians Depicting Science Future

Fearsome cancers and leukemia stopped their gnawing bites on people's lives. Ordinary people on the earth are enjoying their interstellar travels aboard man-made flying objects.

These are not random talks at Arabian nights but some of the forecasts of China's 60 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering on the scientific and technological developments in the 21st century.

Titled " Academicians' Forecasts on the 21st Century", the book has just come off the press, today's Shanghai-based Wenhui Daily reported.

Forty years ago, twenty-five renowned scientists depicted their dreams about the future in a popular science book " Scientists' Remarks On the 21st Century", talking about then nonsense-like mobile phones, visual telephones and computer networks.

As most dreams in the first book have come true, academicians now cudgel their brain to boldly predict the fortune of science and technology which will bring to the people.

The newly published book totaling more than 333,000 Chinese characters is the fruit of the sixty top scientists' two-year effort.

People's Daily Online ---