Banquet Marks Sino-Nepalese Diplomatic Relations

Nepalese consulate general in Tibet held a banquet Wednesday evening to mark the 45th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Nepalese diplomatic relations.

Nepalese Consul General in Tibet, Shankar Prasad Pandey, said that the two countries have understood each other and maintained good relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations 45 years ago, and he added that Nepal is fully prepared to expand its economic cooperation with China.

He also thanked China for its support to Nepal's economic development over the past decades.

Legqog, chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Government, said that the two countries are linked by mountains and rivers, and they have had good relations since ancient times, and he expressed the conviction that Sino-Nepalese friendship and cooperation will continue to grow in the new millennium.

People's Daily Online ---