A Fanatic Cruel Cult

Having sought the protection of US shield, Li Hongzhi has tried his every possibility to say that that all his "Falun Gong" practitioners are "pacificists" and that they have never done anything law-breaking. But how are things and their actual doings? Just to the contrary, especially after a ban has been pronounced on the cult. They have by their actual deeds shown that they are in no way "pacificists" but a horde of "Falun Gong" cultist fanatics put under the control of Li Hongzhi.

Though Li Hongzhi has with his "Zhuan Fa Lun" ("Turning the Law Wheel") all along styled himself as one embodying "truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance" yet from a multitude of facts one can see that Li Hongzhi shows not the least "truthfulness", "benevolence" or "forbearance". In spite of the fact he always speaks about "delivery" of people to heaven he has never shown the slightest sympathy for the lives and welfare of his followers. A fact seen in China is that following his followers' last "April 25" siege on Zhongnanhai, headquarters of the Chinese government, he simply let his followers know a piece of his mind: Why no bloodshed and no casualties? he demanded. In the place of these there should be greater pressure, violence and chaos that must be sought by this fanatic Li Hongzhi in China.

Another fact: Many "Falun Gong" believers couldn't stomach any words or deeds disagreeable to them since they were placed completely under the spiritual control of Li Honglzhi. Besieging, using threats against and launching verbal and corporal attacks on people and government institutions and news media are what they are up whenever a different or disagreeable view is found to them. Is this the right way of "pacificists" in doing things? Where comes the "forbearance" and "benevolence" of these "pacificists" and of "Master" Li Hongzhi?

But no humbug can last long. Following nationwide repudiation of the heretic fallacies of Li Hongzhi, most "Falun Gong" practitioners have come to see through the true features of "Falun Gong" and the harm and evil influence to be brought about in China and the ulterior motive of Li Hongzhi. They broke with "Falun Gong" and refused to practice the cult. A fact not to be denied is that a few principal elements of "Falun Gong" abroad do not want the Chinese people to live in peace and a happy normal life. They do not want to see such a good stable situation in China and great unity by the Chinese people. Plotting behind the scenes they want to put their stake on a "bloodshed" of people's lives and a total destruction of the fine situation in China. This reveals the utter fanaticism and ruthlessness of a handful of "Falun Gong" fanatics. But this is not all. They want a unity by all anti-China forces both in China and abroad. When there is any sign of disturbance or trouble they should want they will be sure to gather force to stage demonstration, hold sit-ins and fabricate all possible lies to cheat the world opinion. They are at all times ready to use foreign forces for a clampdown on the Chinese government and comeback of heretic "Falun Gong" on the Chinese land.

Irrespective of whatever fanaticism and despicable means they may resort to or try out Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Gong" will surely fail in all their anti-China schemes. They will in no way shake the will and determination of the Chinese people in cracking down on all possible forms of cults and heretic fallacies in China.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/