Bush Nominated as Republican Presidential Candidate

Texas Governor George W. Bush was formally nominated to be the US Republican presidential candidate for the 2000 election here Monday at the party's National Convention.

Bush was put into nomination by Texas Lt. Governor Rick Perryun in the opening day session. He won the nomination unopposed, with no other names being offered.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, directing the convention proceedings, said the roll call of the states would begin Monday night and go through Iowa, then continue on subsequent nights to conclude Thursday.

Bush campaigned in Ohio Monday as part of his bus tour of six Democrat-leaning states, including Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.

The Texas governor will arrive in Philadelphia on August 3 to formally accept the presidential nomination on the final night of the convention.

Bush, 54, is the eldest son of former President George Bush. He defeated Arizona Senator John McCain in the presidential primaries earlier this year.

If he wins the November 7 election, Bush would be the first presidential son since John Quincy Adams in 1825 to follow his father, John Adams, into the White House.

In 1994, Bush was elected governor of Texas, the second largest state in the United States. He won reelection in a landslide victory in 1998 and emerged as the Republicans' best hope of winning back the presidency in 2000 after eight years' rule of a Democratic president.

Bush stepped onto the presidential campaign trail in 1999 with an appealing message of inclusion and racial healing twined with tax cuts and a call for a stronger defense. His "compassionate conservatism" was echoed in the Republican platform adopted Monday.

Bush gained a bachelor's degree from Yale and got an MBA from Harvard Business School. He married Laura Welch in 1977 and the couple have twin daughters.

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