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Saturday, July 29, 2000, updated at 16:12(GMT+8)

Zhejiang University to Open College in Ningbo

Zhejiang University, one of China' s biggest schools, has decided to establish a 10,000-student college in the port city of Ningbo, also in Zhejiang province, jointly with the Ningbo city government.

It is the first time a major Chinese university has established a branch school in another city.

The new Ningbo College of Zhejiang University plans to start signing-up students in September, and is expected to enroll up to 10,000 students in the future.

The college will be built on 66 hectares of land with an investment of 320 million yuan. The buildings of an existing two- year college on the site will be incorporated into the project.

Laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, linguistics and technological invention will be included. The city will offer 30 million yuan for the development of the college annually in the coming 15 years.

Ningbo Mayor Zhang Weiwen said the establishment of the college is expected to have a long-term positive impact on the city's educational and economic development, especially the building of more high-tech ventures there.

Zhejiang University, grouping 20 colleges and enrolling a total of 70,000 students, will also establish branches of its science and technology park and software college in the Ningbo Science and Technology Park.

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Zhejiang University, one of China' s biggest schools, has decided to establish a 10,000-student college in the port city of Ningbo, also in Zhejiang province, jointly with the Ningbo city government.

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