Key News Websites Get Help from China Telecom

At top government official said Friday China's news dissemination work will get a strong boost as five state "key news websites" are receiving special treats from national telecom giant China Telecom in upgrading transmission speed while lowering operation fees to provide quicker services for viewer, as is reported by China Daily.

According to a deal signed in Beijing Friday, China Telecom will widen band width, cut operating fees by half for leased lines and store servers in a special data centre for,,, (China Radio International) and

Vice-director of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) Yang Zhengquan affirmed that by providing better technology, the move is solving one of the two major problems facing China's Internet industry, and its significance will be far reaching.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, China Telecom vice-president Leng Rongquan said these five state key websites, shouldering special task introducing China to foreigners and leading public opinion at home, need unique treatment.

According to the agreement signed between China Telecom and the SCIO, which oversees disseminating Chinese news abroad, news websites from CCTV and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will also enjoy the special service.

Leng noted that China Telecom will fully explore Internet industry to guarantee web news service and safety, adding its backbone network will become Asia's largest in the next few years by serving both government agencies and private users.

Currently, the number of China's Internet users stands around 15 million, he said.

Yang Zhengquan also predicted better Internet service in China will let foreigners better understand China by sending more news, voices and pictures to all corners of the world in the fastest way through computers.

People's Daily Online ---