Senior Party Official Urges Promotion of Township-Level Democracy

Wei Jianxing has urged Party committees and governments at all levels to promote the building of a clean government by opening up government activities at the township level.

Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the call at Tuesday's national teleconference on the issue.

The opening-up of government activities to public supervision is an important part of strengthening socialist democratic politics, improving the work of administrative bodies, and strengthening supervision over government powers, said the senior Party official.

Wei said that the opening-up of government activities at the township level should focus on the following issues:

-- Issues that are mostly cared by the people.

-- Putting government activities under the supervision of the broad masses to ensure that the government becomes more honest and fair.

-- Opening up the activities of both township-level governments and the agencies of higher-level authorities stationed at township-level governments.

-- Integrating the opening-up of township-level government activities with that of the activities of village leaders.

-- Integrating the opening-up of township-level government activities with the building of township-level Party organizations.

Wei also urged governments at county, prefecture, city and provincial levels with good conditions to open up their administrative activities to public supervision.

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