Prosecutors Handle 908 Major Cases of Malfeasance in China

Chinese prosecutors nationwide investigated 908 "extra-grave" cases of malfeasance or abuse of power in the first six months this year, said Li Baotang, director of the department handling such crimes under the Supreme People's Procuratorate, in Beijing Friday

The "extra-grave" cases are those involving high-profile officials, at least one million yuan in loss, loss of human life or serious injuries.

Of the malfeasance cases and crimes violating personal and democratic rights of citizens, 125 involved officials at or above the county-head level, said Li at a press conference.

These cases were only a fraction of the 3,126 such cases registered with prosecutors' offices in China in the first half of this year, according to the official.

The number of such cases investigated rose by 50 percent over the same period last year, he said.

Through handling these cases, prosecutors helped to recover 63.57 million yuan of economic losses for the state.

At the same time, prosecutors investigated 1,496 cases that involved judges, prosecutors themselves and policemen, who were accused of abusing their official duties or torturing suspects to get confessions, statistics show.

Prosecutors also handled 572 cases that involved law enforcement officers in administrative departments such as customhouses and taxation agencies in the first half of this year, representing a sharp increase of 97.9 percent over the same time last year, according to the SPP.

People's Daily Online ---