Senior CPC Official Meets IMF Delegation

Wei Jianxing, a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), met with a delegation from the International Metalworkers' Federation at the Great Hall of the People Friday.

Wei, also president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, briefed the guests on China's political and economic situation as well as the work of China's trade unions.

With the development of the socialist market economy and the profound changes in the economic and labor sectors, the trade unions' responsibility to safeguard the interests of the workers should be stressed, Wei said.

The Chinese trade unions are willing to further increase communication and cooperation with workers and trade unions of all countries based on the principles of independence, equality, mutual respect, and non-interference into each other's internal affairs, Wei said.

IMF President Klaus Zwichel said member delegates have seen for themselves in this current visit the tremendous changes that have taken place in China. The reform and opening up undertaken by China and the developing course it has taken are both correct, Zwichel said, expressing the hope that China would continue along this path for further success.

The IMF is also willing to work closely with the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on the basis of mutual respect, he said.

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