E-commerce, the Way to Rejuvenate China's Traditional Industry

Lin Zongtang, Chairman of China Federation of Industrial Economies said that to actively develop industrial e-commerce for a combination of traditional industry with the Internet economy is the best way for China's traditional industry to access into the Internet economy.

At the "Traditional Industry and Internet Economy Seminar" held on July 20, Lin pointed out that China had already reached the middle level of industrialization development in 1991, and became a power of the world industrial economy, ranking the 7th place of the world. However, China's average economic level is only up to one of several dozens of the world powers. Compared with the 46 countries of the world, China's international competitiveness in 1999 ranked only the 29th place, yet this year sees a downward tendency.

He said that China is going to join the WTO in which the traditional industry will face severer situation. If such a laggard situation can not be changed, the industrial modernization will be seriously restricted.

Lin said, the CFIE would make great efforts in promoting the combination of traditional industry with the Internet economy.

He pointed out that the Internet has offered us the possibility for making use of the global resources, cutting down production costs and expanding market scale for the traditional industry. To reconstruct China's traditional industry by using the Internet economy for a better combination of the two will be the best creation, the greatest innovation and the most important one at that.

Tsung Dao Lee, Chief Consultant of Sciences of the CFIE ever said that it would do for the CFIE to run well the Internet. The CFIE is now making efforts for it responded Lin.

Lin held that to develop e-commerce in the industrial circle is still a newborn thing. There are still a lot of pragmatic problems for us to solve.

First, the basic construction of informationization for the traditional industry enterprises must be enhanced. China's informationization for industrial enterprises is not yet at a high level. There is a large gap between enterprises too and to develop industrial e-commerce, the first and foremost thing is to engage in the construction of enterprise informationization in a down-to-earth way.

Secondly, to develop the industrial e-commerce must be in conformity with the actual situation in China. China is now still at the middle stage of industrialization. By using Internet to renovate traditional industry, we must make full use of the current resources and conditions and should by no means copy and pirate e-commerce mode from foreign lands.

Thirdly, we should have a unified plan and a unified software environment. Up till now, China still hasn't had a unified plan for the development of e-commerce, nor any of our own criteria, relevant policies and regulations on e-commerce been launched. Therefore, to draw up a plan as soon as possible and set up criteria will be favorable for a sound development of China's industrial e-commerce industry.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/