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Friday, July 21, 2000, updated at 11:29(GMT+8)

Attractive Kashi

Hong Kong Xin Yi Fa (Group) Company, Ltd., which used to plan to buy some land for real estate business, changed its mind after conducting five market surveys in Kashi and signed 840 million yuan worth of contract with Kashi City to build a second class port business city in June this year..

Huang Sunuo, board chairman of the company, said that it is the improving macro and micro environment, the unique geographical location and resource advantages of Kashi in the development of west China that had enabled them to make up their minds.

It is no exaggeration to say that Kashi is "changing with each passing day ". Zhu Hailun, secretary of Kashi Communist Party Committee, told the journalist that the investments from different channels in Kashi's infrastructure construction have exceeded 300 million yuan in four short years. The broad ways spanning the north and south, and east and west of Kashi and seven trunk roads have all been renovated. A brand-new highway network has basically taken shape in the city. The Kashi airport renovation project, listed as a key project of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has been completed. The new airport lounge, requiring an investment of 29 million yuan, is under construction. As the second largest international airport in Xinjiang, Kashi Airport is able to accommodate all types of planes. Following the completion of Nanjiang Railway which reaches Kashi, a railway linking Kashi with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan is in busy preparation, and will soon start construction. Kashi's communication undertaking is also developing by leaps and bounds. Presently the city possesses various kinds of Chinese and foreign advanced equipment, thus making things convenient and swift.

While the macro-environment is improving with each passing day, Kashi also vigorously optimizes its micro-investment environment. Kashi Construction Commission took the lead in simplifying formalities, as a result, "approval of a project is granted by one department". In the past, it used to take more than 60 days and affix 23 seals to examine and approve of a project. But now, as long as preparation for application is in place, the relevant procedures can be gone through in two to three hours.

Sources say that the coming project of Kashi second-class port business city covers an area of 400 mu (1 hectare=15 mu) and is to be completed in three years. This is a contract involving the largest sum of money signed between Xinjiang and Hong Kong since the strategy for the large-scale development of the western region was put into practice. The project, when completed, will strongly promote the external trade between the Kashi region and neighboring countries.

In This Section

It is no exaggeration to say that Kashi is "changing with each passing day ". Zhu Hailun, secretary of Kashi Communist Party Committee, told the journalist that the investments from different channels in Kashi's infrastructure construction have exceeded 300 million yuan in four short years.

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