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Friday, July 21, 2000, updated at 11:00(GMT+8)

China Issues Regulation on Security Products

A new regulation meant to improve safety products used for individuals and property was jointly issued today by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and the Ministry of Public Security.

The security products, including anti-theft doors, bullet-proof vests, alarm systems and other anti-burglary devices are necessary for protecting society, the regulation says.

The regulation has stipulations on production licensing, safety authentication and production registration systems for these goods.

Unlicensed or unauthenticated security-related products are forbidden to be produced, sold or used. Violators face warnings or fines.

The regulation goes into effect on September 1.

In This Section

A new regulation meant to improve safety products used for individuals and property was jointly issued today by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and the Ministry of Public Security.

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