Pinochet's Appeal Hearing Concludes

The Chilean Supreme Court concluded Wednesday the first session in the appeal hearing against the deprivation of immunity requested by former military ruler and now lifelong senator Augusto Pinochet's lawyers.

The judges of the highest Chilean court listened to the background of the Pinochet case during the session that lasted almost three hours.

No significant incidents were recorded during the first session as a result of the stringent security measures implemented by the authorities, and only a true shouting contest was heard between demonstrators for and against the privileges deprivation, who were evenly distributed on the two streets that flank the Supreme Court building.

The top Chilean court resolved in a decision that only after the allegations completion and before the resolution of the situation of Pinochet's immunity, it will dictate whether the defense petition about the medical examinations will be served.

It was the first of three days of hearings on whether former strongman Augusto Pinochet can be tried on charges arising from the thousands of deaths and disappearances blamed on his 17-year rule.

The three-day hearing was called after the 84-year-old retired general appealed against a June 5 ruling by the Santiago Court of Appeals to strip him of the immunity he enjoys as a senator for life.

Pinochet himself remained ensconced in his sprawling residence in a Santiago suburb, and was not requested to attend the hearing.

Pinochet, an 84-year-old retired general, ruled Chile with an iron fist in 1973-1990 and was granted immunity because of his seat in the senate, which was given him under a 1980 constitution.

On Thursday, human rights lawyers will have their turn, and Pinochet's legal team will wrap up the proceedings Friday. A date for a verdict has not been set.

Pinochet returned to Chile in March after 503 days under arrest in Britain, where he escaped extradition to Spain on the grounds that he was too ill for a trial. A Spanish judge wanted to try him on torture charges.

People's Daily Online ---