Iran Refutes U.S., Israeli Allegations on Missile Test

Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi on Tuesday refuted the remarks made by U.S. and Israeli officials on Iran's successful test-firing of a Shahab-3 missile, saying such propaganda campaigns are doomed to fail.

The United States and Israel are using Iran's missile test as an excuse to justify their own arms race and provide their needed budget, Kharrazi was quoted by the Islamic Republic News Agency as saying.

He also noted the U.S. has launched a propaganda campaign against Iran to divert world public opinion from the development of its national missile defense (NMD) system.

Iran's Defense Ministry announced on Saturday that it has successfully test-fired an upgraded Shahab-3 medium-range missile with an aim to upgrade the defense power of the country in line with its policy of deterrence.

The missile, with a range of some 1,300 kilometers, was said to be able to hit Israel and U.S. forces stationed in the Gulf, thus causing concern and strong reaction from both countries.

U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen warned Monday of the risk of an accelerated pace of missile development by Iran in the wake of its successful Shahab-3 missile test.

"I think any time you have success in a particular missile system, it gives you confidence to move forward with more tests with greater capability," Cohen told reporters.

The Iranian foreign minister, however, defended Iran's missile test, saying the test is aimed at reinforcing the defense capabilities of Iran and posing no threats to any country.

"How is it that the Zionist (Israeli) regime can equip itself with various kinds of weapons including weapons of mass destruction but regional states should not have weapons to defend themselves?" Kharrazi said.

Iran uses its defense capabilities to insure the stability and security of the region, he added.

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