Mexican President-Elect Announces Transition Team

Mexican President-elect Vicente Fox announced Monday the names of his transition team that will coordinate power transfer tasks before his taking of office.

The people designated will work from right now until November 30 and their objectives include making up of the budget for year 2001, said Fox, of the opposition Alliance for Change, to the press.

Fox, winner of the July 2 elections, will take office on December 1 as the first leader coming from the opposition in Mexico that put an end to the 71 years of presidential monopoly by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

The former Coca-Cola executive has promised sweeping changes in the way Mexico is governed, replacing past corrupt practices with business-management efficiency.

For the past three decades, the changeover every six years has been accompanied by political and economic turbulence. President Ernesto Zedillo has made it his personal mission to end this tradition.

Fox said he would name his cabinet at the end of next month or in September but the unpaid transition team, heading various commissions, would remain in place until Nov. 30.

Some members of the team may be included in his cabinet, he added. Fox also included several former PRI members in his transition team.

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