Vice Premier Meets Hong Kong Students

Vice Premier Li Lanqing met Monday with a delegation of high school students from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR).

During the meeting, the vice premier urged the Hong Kong students to visit inland universities and high-tech industrial bases to learn about the remarkable achievements made by the motherland over the past two decades.

Li encouraged the visiting students to study harder and to contribute to the efforts of building a better Hong Kong. He also urged them to increase exchanges with inland students to join hands in realizing the great rejuvenation of the motherland.

The delegation is part of a "Millennium Study Tour" program funded by the Li Ka-Shing Foundation. Under the program, 1,000 Hong Kong high school students will visit the inland areas of China, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United Unites.

The students arrived in Beijing last Friday and will leave for home on July 19.

People's Daily Online ---