Xinjiang Economy Healthy

In the first half of this year, the gross national product for the entire Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was 43.0 billion yuan, or 7.8%, up 1.3 percentage points up from the same period last year. Exports out of the region totaled US$980 million, up 40.3%.

Industry in Xinjiang grew 18.0 billion yuan, 7% higher over the first half of the year. The combined industrial economy efficiency index shot up 64 percentage points, setting a record high for the region. Industrial profits totaled 2.2 billion yuan, the first time the sector has turned a profit in five years.

In the agricultural sector, the area used to plant grain, cotton and sugar decreased while farmland allotted for fruit trees and oil plants increased. Summer grain crops and the livestock industry continued their bumper harvests, summer grain crops are expected to yield 4.2 million tons.

Xinjiang's fixed asset investments were worth 13.4 billion yuan during the first half, up 14.6%. Progress on the Wukui highway, Xinjiang cotton base, Nanjiang fiberoptic ring road and other projects goes smoothly.

People's Daily Online ---