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Sunday, July 16, 2000, updated at 10:57(GMT+8)

WFP Appeals for Relief Food to Kenyans Under Famine

The World Food Program (WFP) has sent another appeal to international community for more emergency relief food supplies to save million of Kenyans reeling under ravaging famine currently sweeping across Kenya.

The appeal made by WFP Country director for Kenya Arthur Holdbrook Friday. The People daily Saturday quoted him as saying the famine situation was grave and only emergency

intervention from the donors could save the situation as the famine effects would last for at least the next six months.

He disclosed that from this month's relief food supplies projected target of 186,000 tons, only US$ 55,000 tons and 3.1 million pledges from the United States and Britain respectively have been received.

This painted a gloomy picture for an estimated 23 million people in dire need of relief food in the country, he added.

Arthur Holdbrook said the famine situation in the country is compounded by lack of any of pledges from the international community to cater for the month of August.

He called on both local and international donors to immediately send in famine relief supplies in order to avert the catastrophe that could befall the starving Kenyans if they don not get food in


On July 5, WFP made an appeal of US$ 88 million from donors for relief food to 3.3 million Kenyans under the famine.

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The World Food Program (WFP) has sent another appeal to international community for more emergency relief food supplies to save million of Kenyans reeling under ravaging famine currently sweeping across Kenya.

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