Xiaolangdi Dam Ceiling Completed Ahead of Schedule

After five years of hard work by Chinese and foreign workers, the ceiling work of the Xiaolangdi dam in the Yellow River was completed June 26, a record thirteen months ahead of schedule, according to news briefing by the local construction authority.

Located near the Xiaolangdi village near the middle of the Yellow River, the dam is a key project in controlling downstream floods. The ceiling of the dam is 1,667 meters long, 154 meters wide and filled with 51.8 million cubic meters of soil. It is the biggest dam of its kind in China to date.

The completion of the ceiling work indicates that construction of the Xiaolangdi reservoir has been basically finished. It can control floods seen once in 500 years and can help provide water and reduce silt.

Presently, other parts of the project are under construction. The dam is expected to be completely finished this October.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/