Integrated Circuit and Software Development: A Breakthrough Industry in China

China will take integrated circuit and software industry as a breakthrough for its development of information industry, said Cheng Guanghui, spokesman of Ministry of Information Industry at a press conference for Chinese and foreign journalists held July 13 by Information Office of the State Council.

Cheng said that the integrated circuit and software are the core technology of information industry. In the development of the industry, he pointed out China has advantages in the supply of talented people and wisdom. To solve the bottleneck problem of developing the technology, enhancing creativity and competitiveness of the industry, the State Council has lately issued a series of policies to encourage its development. The Ministry of Information Industry is mapping out relevant regulations in detail and drawing up recognition criteria of software enterprises together with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, State Administration of Taxation and some other departments concerned. And a duty-free catalogue of the integrated circuit products is also being worked out by joining hands with the State Development Planning Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission and General Customs Administration.

Citing the development of China's information industry in the first half of this year at the meeting He said: China's fixed and mobile Telecom networks have respectively ranked the second and the third in the world. With its Internet users exceeding 10 million, China has 34,000 registered enterprise domain names, taking up 80% of the total domain names. The e-commerce web-sites have outnumbered 1000 with the trade volume predicted to reach 800 million yuan this year, and expected to be at 10 billion in 2002.

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