50 HK Young People Complete Drug Prevention Program

Secretary for Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Regina Ip, Thursday officiated a graduation ceremony for 50 young people who completed a drug prevention program financed by the Beat Drug Funds.

Ip was joined at the ceremony by Commissioner for Narcotics, Clarie Lo, and seven members of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) and Beat Drugs Fund Governing Committee.

The Beat Drugs Fund was established by the Hong Kong SAR government in March 1996 with a capital outlay of 350 million HK dollars (45 million U.S. dollars) as a result of a drug summit in 1995.

Activities financed by the Fund cover preventive education and publicity programs, treatment and rehabilitation services, drug- related conferences, research, and improvement works to existing facilities and training programs for drug-related workers.

The project is a two-year preventive education and publicity program targeting at school drop-outs and unemployed young people especially young women aged under 21.

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/