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Friday, July 14, 2000, updated at 08:36(GMT+8)

Funds Granted to Support Research in Key Subjects

A large number of universities aside from Fudan and Shanghai Jiaotong universities will be selected to get governmental funds for academic research in key subjects, according to a work conference of Shanghai Education Commission yesterday.

The city government is setting up a 1.8 billion yuan (US$216 million) fund to improve college research and teaching in 10 specific areas raging from genetics to traditional Chinese medicine.

The top ten subjects selected by the commission include bridge engineering, ocean geology, chemical engineering, high polymer materials, physical geography, pharmacy, tissue engineering, medical genetic engineering, metallurgy and traditional Chinese pharmacology.

The commission said that more effort and money will be put into the 10 subjects to enable them to stay in the forefront around the country or even the world.

The funds will be used for laboratory construction, new facilities, and rewarding outstanding teachers.

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A large number of universities aside from Fudan and Shanghai Jiaotong universities will be selected to get governmental funds for academic research in key subjects, according to a work conference of Shanghai Education Commission yesterday.

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