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Friday, July 14, 2000, updated at 08:36(GMT+8)

Software For Field Bus-Protocol Developed in China

China has developed the software for Foundation Field Bus-Protocol and communications controller, becoming the third country in the world capable of producing the core technology for the network for advanced industrial automation systems.

The product, developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), has recently passed the appraisal organized by the CAS.

The Foundation Field Bus is the most advanced of all field buses for process control in automation systems, according to experts with the institute.

Bus refers to an electrical connection between the components of a computer system along which the signals or powers are transmitted. It consists of several parallel wires, with separate wires serving various functions: address, data, synchronization, control, power, etc.

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China has developed the software for Foundation Field Bus-Protocol and communications controller, becoming the third country in the world capable of producing the core technology for the network for advanced industrial automation systems.

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