Chinese President Meets US Defense Secretary

Chinese President Meets U.S. Defense Secretary
President Jiang Zemin said in Beijing Thursday that a healthy and stable growth of Sino-US relations not only accords with the fundamental interests of the people of the two countries, but also is conducive to the peace in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.

Jiang, who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks Thursday in Beijing while meeting with visiting US Defense Secretary William Cohen.

Jiang said that the two governments and leaders of the two countries should proceed from a strategic, long-term perspective as they guide the course of Sino-US relations.

Sino-US relations should be properly handled on the basis of the three joint communiques between the two countries and in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and seeking common ground while reserving differences, Jiang said.

On the Taiwan issue, Jiang said that the Taiwan issue is China' s internal affair, adding that the one-China principle is the prerequisite for the peaceful solution of the Taiwan issue.

Whether or not Taiwan sticks to the one-China principle is a test of its sincerity to conduct dialogue, Jiang said.

He went on to say that as long as the new leader of the Taiwan region accepts the one-China principle, the dialogue and talks across the Taiwan Straits can be resumed and everything can be discussed.

Jiang stressed that the Taiwan issue is the most important and most sensitive issue in Sino-US relations.

The US government and far-sighted statesmen should proceed from the comprehensive situation in Sino-US relations, strictly observe the three joint communiques between the two countries and relevant commitments made by the US side, and make a wise choice, Jiang said.

Cohen said that the purpose of his current visit to China is to promote the ties between the armed forces of the two countries, adding that he believes the visit will be helpful to the long-term positive development of the relations between the two countries and their armed forces.

He said that the US and China share a lot of common interests, adding that a good US-China relationship will benefit the Asia- Pacific region and the world.

Cohen said that the US government adheres to the one-China policy and observes the three joint communiques between the two countries and relevant US commitments.

The US side does not support Taiwan independence, he stressed.

Chi Haotian, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission and Chinese minister of national defense, was among those present on the occasion.

People's Daily Online ---