China to Issue New Rules of Telecom Operation

A set of new rules for telecommunication operators in China is now under examination and yet to be approved, a government official said Wednesday. "The Telecommunications Administration Regulations is now under the examination and to be approved by the State Council," spokesman of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) Cheng Guanghui said.

He told a press conference this morning that China has exerted efforts to improve market access and standards of its telecommunications sector.

"Meanwhile, we have worked hard to formulate the information laws and regulations so as to meet the challenges brought by China 's accession into the World Trade Organization," he said. The efforts also include revising the tariff regulations, according to Cheng.

MII is now working with taxation authorities to draft implementation rules of tax incentives for computer software and integrated circuit companies. MII has also drafted a catalogue of duty-free integrated circuit goods by consulting with foreign trade and customs authorities.

Early this year, MII promulgated the Telecommunications Service Standards to urge telecom operators to improve service quality.

People's Daily Online ---