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Thursday, July 13, 2000, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)

Ten Chinese Companies in Fortune Global 500

Ten Chinese companies are in this year's Fortune Global 500 list, up from six last year.

The Chinese corporations are: Sinopec (58), State Power Corporation (83), Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (208), China Telecommunications (236), Bank of China (255), Sinochem (307), Agricultural Bank of China (341), China Construction Bank (364), China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation (COFCO) (413) and Cathay Life (489).

The three largest corporations in the world are: General Motors (1), Wal-Mart (2) and Exxon Mobil (3).

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Ten Chinese companies are in this year's Fortune Global 500 list, up from six last year.

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