Chinese Youth Urged to Work for Better Future

ACYF And ACSF Congress Opens in Beijing
Hundreds of millions of Chinese youth were urged in Beijing Tuesday to redouble their efforts to work for a better future for themselves and their country.

The call was made by Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao in a message of congratulation to the First Plenum of the Ninth National Committee of the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) and the 23rd National Congress of the All-China Students' Federation ( ACSF), which opened in Beijing Tuesday.

Hu, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said peace and development are the main themes of the times.

The emerging trend of political polarization and economic globalization will have a profound impact on the political, economic, cultural life of mankind, Hu said.

And the rapid progress of high technology and its commercialization, as seen in information and biological technology, will open doors for the development of productive forces and social progress, he said.

All of these changes have created both historic opportunities and challenges for China's development in the new century, Hu said.

Only when China constantly improves its economic, scientific and technological, and national defense strength and national unity can she gain a firmer foothold in the intense international competition and develops into a rich and powerful, democratic and civilized country, Hu said.

Hu urged Chinese youth to be the generation responsible for invigorating China, and to study hard so they will be well-acquainted with the achievements of all advanced civilizations.

He said young people in China should stretch their creativity as innovation is one of the deciding factors determining a country 's success, he said.

Founded on May 4, 1949, the ACYF safeguards the legitimate rights of Chinese young people and organizes social activities for youth, including volunteer programs for assistance to the poor, and selecting outstanding youth and young scientists of the country.

The 81-year-old ACSF leads the nation's 100,000 student unions involving more than 80 million college and middle school students.

People's Daily Online ---