Top Chinese Legislature Approves Final 1999 State Accounts

The 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), China's top lawmaking body, on Saturday approved the final state accounts for 1999 as they were presented by the State Council.

In an approval notice issue by the lawmaking body, the legislature required that the State Council tighten the budget administration and finance supervision, ensure rational expenditure according to the approved budget and exert efforts to realize the budget for the year 2000.

Before the vote was taken, Guo Zhenqian, vice-chairman of the NPC Financial and Economic Committee, delivered a review report on the final accounts.

The report said that though the various departments of the State Council had performed their duties well in executing the central budget for 1999, malpractices and unlawful activities have continued to emerge throughout the country.

The report suggested that the State Council work out specific measures to curb such illegal goings-on and continue to strengthen the administration of state bonds.

People's Daily Online ---