HK External Trade Increases in May

The value of re-exports of goods of Hong Kong increased by 23.7 percent over a year earlier to 117. 3 billion HK dollars (15.04 billion U.S. dollars) in May 2000, and that of domestic exports of goods went up by 12.8 percent to 15.6 billion HK dollars (2 billion U.S. dollars).

Meanwhile, the value of imports of goods rose by 29.2 percent to 140.7 billion HK dollars (18.04 billion U.S. dollars), according to the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Friday.

Comparing May 2000 with May 1999, the value of re-exports of goods to all main destinations registered double-digit increases, with the Chinese mainland up 33.1 percent, the Republic of Korea up 32.4 percent, and Japan up 29.0 percent.

For the first five months of 2000 taken together, the value of re-exports of goods, at 524.4 billion HK dollars (67.2 billion U.S. dollars), was 20.5 percent higher than that in the same period in 1999.

The value of re-exports of all principal commodity divisions rose in the first five months of 2000 in comparison to the same period last year. Notable increases were registered for electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts that increased by 27.3 billion HK dollars or 48.9 percent.

Comparing May 2000 with May 1999, a substantial increase was recorded in the value of domestic exports of goods to India by 102. 3 percent. Increases were also registered in the value of domestic exports of goods to Taiwan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the Chinese mainland.

However, decreases were recorded in the value of domestic exports of goods to the Netherlands, France and Japan by 16.7 percent, 10.4 percent and 5.5 percent respectively.

For the first five months of 2000 taken together, the value of domestic exports of goods, at 70.7 billion HK dollars (9.06 billion U.S. dollars), was 12.3 percent higher than that in the same period in 1999.

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